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1. Research Findings
Police Homicides 1957-1973
2. Mission and Research Ethics
Politics/Silences in the Archive
3. Synthetic StoryMaps
Investigative Reports
Curriculum Guides
4. About the Project
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I. Police Brutality (1957-63)
1. Jim Crow Detroit
IN FOCUS: Robert F. Mitchell, 1957
Exposing Police Brutality/Misconduct
Mapping Police Brutality, 1957-1963
DPD Racism in Hiring/Promotion
2. Crash
IN FOCUS: Carl Fitzpatrick
Media Bias/White Crash Support
Civil Rights: Countering Crash
3. Mayor Cavanagh and Police Reform
Commissioner Edwards: Liberal Reform
Evolving Brutality Patterns, 1961-1963
Mapping Police Killings, 1957-1963
Police Shooting of Teenagers
4. The Summer of '63
The Brutal Murder of Cynthia Scott
Protesting the Cynthia Scott Killing
Postscript - Barbara Jackson
Synthetic StoryMap (Section I)
II. Crime War (1964-66)
1. National and Local War on Crime
War on Poverty → War on Crime
IN FOCUS: Commissioner Ray Girardin
2. Limits of Police Reform
Citizen Complaint Bureau
Civilian Review Board + White Pushback
Patterns of Brutality/Misconduct
Police Homicides + Shootings 1964-66
3. Liberal "Get-Tough" Policies
Discretionary Policing
Tactical Mobile Unit (TMU)
Stop and Frisk: Racial Profiling
Red Squad: Political Surveillance
4. Radicalization and Civil Protest
Adult Community Movement for Equality
The Kercheval Incident, August 1966
Aftermath of the Kercheval Incident
Synthetic StoryMap (Section II)
III. Uprising (1967)
1. Days of the Uprising
12th Street Blind Pig
Occupying the City
Property Damage
2. Fatalities and Victims
Remembering the Casualties
Murder at Algiers Motel
Police Brutality and Misconduct
3. Investigations
New Detroit Committee
Kerner Commission
4. Visualizing Detroit '67
Staging Military Occupation
Scenes of Devastation
Synthetic StoryMap (Section III)
IV. Radicalization (1968-70)
1. Policing after the Uprising
Diversity and Public Relations
Patterns of Police Brutality/Misconduct
Police Homicides + Shootings 1968-70
2. Youth Criminalization
School Criminalization
IN FOCUS: Fitzgerald's Infernos
Veterans Memorial Incident
Balduck Park Incident
3. Political Police Violence
Cobo I: Poor People's Campaign
Cobo II: Defending George Wallace
Ad-Hoc Action Group
4. Repression of Radicals
New Bethel Incident
Black Panther Party in Detroit
Political Surveillance
Synthetic StoryMap (Section IV)
V. STRESS Era (1971-73)
1. Police-Community Relations
Black Officers and DPD Discrimination
IN FOCUS: Donald Kimbrough
Patterns of Police Brutality 1971-73
Police Homicides 1971-73
2. The Creation of STRESS
Crime Under STRESS
Ricardo Buck and Craig Mitchell
State of Emergency Committee
Remembering STRESS Victims
3. Corruption in the DPD
Rochester Street Massacre
Community Pushes Back
IN FOCUS: Raymond Peterson
Pingree Street Conspiracy
4. Climax: STRESS Means War
The Manhunt
United Against STRESS
STRESS on Trial
STRESS Abolished
Synthetic StoryMap (Section V)
Parents committee .pdf
Part of
Parents' Committee “Free My Child”