Section 5: 1971-1973
Item set
- John Mazzoni Amended Statement
- John Mazzoni Incident Report
- Prosecutor Memo on Buck and Mitchell-Watch Excerpt
- Worobec Excerpt on Watch
- Patrolman Robert Lynch Statement
- Robert Bradford Incident Report
- Richard Worobec Incident Report 9-17-71
- Richard Worobec Garrity Exemption
- Donald Schaecher Redacted
- John Mazzoni Statement
- Robert Bradford Redacted Statement
- Summary of Worobec and STRESS Unit 4 Statements
- Partrolman Michael Trompah Statements on Ricardo Buck
- Worobec/Buck and Mitchell Crime Scene Sketch
- Gunshot Wounds Report-Buck Excerpt
- Bullet Analysis Report-Buck and Mitchell
- Judge Connor Memo on Worobec Shooting
RJ Witness Excerpt Redactions are from the FOIA file; our project has an original un-redacted document but is redacting and coding the names of everyone under age 18 to protect the anonymity of juvenile witnesses who faced intimidation
Prosecutor Memo on Buck and Mitchell Discrepancies Redactions are from the FOIA file; our project has an original un-redacted document but is redacting and coding the names of everyone under age 18 to protect the anonymity of juvenile witnesses who faced intimidation
- DPD Homicide Bureau-Buck and Mitchell Investigation Report
- Prosecutor Memo-Justified Homcide
RB Witness Excerpt Redactions are from the FOIA file; our project has an original un-redacted document but is redacting and coding the names of everyone under age 18 to protect the anonymity of juvenile witnesses who faced intimidation
SM, MB, RB Accounts Redactions are from the FOIA file; our project has an original un-redacted document but is redacting and coding the names of everyone under age 18 to protect the anonymity of juvenile witnesses who faced intimidation
Wayne County Prosecutor, Additional Investigation in the Fatal Shooting of Ricardo Buck and Craig Mitchell Redactions are from the FOIA file; our project has an original un-redacted document but is redacting and coding the names of everyone under age 18 to protect the anonymity of juvenile witnesses who faced intimidation
- Detectives Wolinski and Howard Survey 9-18-71