Section 5: 1971-1973
Item set
- STRESS Homicide Patterns
- MCRC Report on STRESS Decoy Operation
- MCRC Investigation-Raymond Peterson
- MCRC STRESS Recommendations 1971
- DCCR Use of Force Revision Proposal
- DCCR Summary of Anti-STRESS Movement
- DCCR-STRESS Fatality Pattern (Excerpt)
- MCRC Deadly Force Memo
- MCRC Report on State of Emergency Committee March
- Detroit Urban League on STRESS, Oct. 1971
- Nichols STRESS Report, 1971, Deterrence Excerpt
- Ricardo Buck In Memoriam
- Prosecutor Memo-Worobec Recommendation of Justifiable Homicide
- Buck and Mitchell from Prosecutor Memo
- Kenneth Childs Excerpt from Prosecutor's Memo
- Worobec Account from Wayne County Prosecutor
- Photograph of Crime Scene from West
- Ricardo Buck Family Witness at Morgue
- Ricardo Buck Autopsy Report
- Ricardo Buck-Clothing Analysis
- Chrysler Sedan-Clarence Mitchell Scene
- Photograph of Crime Scene-Facing North on John R.
- Ricardo Buck Photographic Record from Morgue
- Donald Schaecher Statements to Homicide
- Richard Worobec Statement to Homicide 9-17-71