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Exhibit Overview
1. Research Findings
2. Mapping Police Violence
3. Politics and Silences in the Archive
4. Wrongful Convictions
5. About the Policing HistoryLab Team
I. Broken Promises (1974-77)
Law & Order with Justice
Limited Reform
Police Mini Stations
Downtown Development
The War On Black Youth
Livernois 5
Cobo Hall Incident
Gang Squads
Police Violence
IN-FOCUS: Lindsay Joker
Citizen Complaints
Over Policing
Policing In Schools
In-Focus: Racist Violence At Cody High
Red Squads
II. Demanding Reform (1978-81)
Affirmative Action
Reform and Resistance
IN FOCUS: The Assault of William Green
How Successful Was Affirmative Action?
Domestic Violence & Sex Crimes
Feminist Community Action
Sex Crimes Unit
Untested Rape Kits
Under Policing
911 Complaints and Reform
Drug Corruption
Neglecting the Deaths of Black Officers
Police Violence
Police Homicides
Case Studies
III. Juvenile Injustice (1982-85)
Gangs and Drugs
Young Boys Incorporated
IN-FOCUS: Butch Jones
Federal Indictments of YBI
The Juvenile Justice System
Youth Violence and Police Responses
Youth Curfew Regulations and Devil's Night
School Sweeps
Juveniles Prosecuted as Adults
Police Violence and Misconduct
Shootings Involving Juveniles
IN-FOCUS: Officer Pongracz
Patterns of Police Violence
Detroit Police & Corruption
Curry Trafficking Ring
IN FOCUS: Damion Lucas
Involvement of the DPD
IV. War on Crack (1986-89)
American War on Drugs
Reagan's National Drug Strategy
Drug Policies in Michigan
Drugs in Detroit
Operation Crack Crime
Chambers Brothers Drug Network
Community Involvement in the War on Drugs
Corruption in The DPD
Forfeiture Scandals
Drug Use in The DPD
Interrogation: Torture and False Convictions
Police Misconduct and Brutality
Mapping Police Misconduct
Mapping Police Homicides
V. Repercussions (1990-93)
The State of the DPD
Police/Community Relations
Use of Force Study
John Engler’s “Tough on Crime”
Police Violence and Misconduct
Patterns of Police Misconduct
Patterns of Police Homicides
IN FOCUS: Malice Green
After Green's Death
New Targets
Policing in Southwest Detroit
IN FOCUS: Jose Iturralde
Policing in LGBTQ+ Community
Arab-American Community
Outside Investigations
Hart’s Conviction
Operation Backbone
Federal Consent Decree
Police Rape Allegations-Chronicle.jpg
Part of
12/1/1973 Michigan Chronicle Headline: Police Rape Allegations Stun Community