Detroit Unaccountable Section V (2010-2014)
Item set
Homeless in front of a hotel
Dan Gilbert
Yolanda McNair, Kym Worthless
Yolanda McNair, Cover-Up
David Robinson on end of federal consent decree, political appeasement
Chief Craig on end of federal consent decree
DOJ Denies Motion to Dismiss
DOJ disappointment in tardiness
DOJ, backlogged complaints
Mark Fancher, ACLU attorney
Joshua Project and Re-Entry
"Gunfire Rages Even as Detroit Attempts to Clean Up"
Chief White thanking crowd after the conclusion of a two year probe into the Narcotics Unit
Officer Stephen Geelhood
Kevin Kellom Speaking to a Rally
Terrance Kellom With His Son
Board of Commissioners Approve PSN Grant
PSN, Unified Gun Crime Reduction Strategy for the City of Detroit
Ron Scott and Zero Tolerance Policing
Mayor Ken Cockrel
Mayor Bing and "bring our city back"
David Robinson "Bring Our City Back"
Kevyn Orr
James Craig on Community Policing