Detroit Unaccountable Section IV (2006-2009)
Item set
Force Continuum Non-Compliance
January 2009 Consent Decree Update
September 2008 Consent Decree Update
James Willingham
Jevon Royall Headline
Jevon Royall
Jeffrey Frazier
Willingham/Frazier Michigan Citizen Headline
Imam Luqman Abdullah Headline
Imam Luqman Abdullah
Robert Mitchell
DPD Firearms Policy 2005
Brandon Martell Moore
Artrell Dickerson
Katie Williams
DPD Off Duty Officer Firearm Policy 2005
DPD Deadly Force Policy 2005
DPD Force Continuum Policy 2005
DPD Use of Force Policy 2005
Excerpt from DPD FOIA Document 2006-2009
NDIS Offender Match Confirmation System
Letter to Steve Liedel re: Partial DNA Match : “Department of State Police letter to Steve Liedel re: CODIS DNA Database Partial-Match"