Section 2 (1978-1981)
Item set
excerpt from "Sex Crimes Calls Given Low Status"
"Sex Crime Calls Given Low Status"
Chief Hart on 9th Floor Police HQ Corruption
Anonymous Citizen Complaint about Tammy's Bar
Complaint of suspected police involvement in narcotics activity at a bar. -
Crockett on One-Man Grand Jury
Young on One-Man Jury
Complaint of Narc Activity at Tammy's Bar
Nora Wujcik Complaint
Elizabeth Burnett Complaint Response
A Death in the City: Shots End a Secret Agony
Michael Francis Sullivan Complaint
Manuel Smith Complaint
Ron's Last Chance Bar Lawsuit Internal Memo
Sex-with-Prisoner Scandal Jolts Police
Donald A. Wellons Complaint
Maryann Mahaffey Letter to Chief Bannon
Officer Reluctant to Shoot Kills Man Firing Upon Him
Willis Chapman Lawsuit
Allen Whitehead Complaint
Letter from Tommy Burns
Jailers Fired for Peddling Dope and Sex in City Lockup
Donna P. Stallings Complaint
Letter Objecting to Lie Detector Policy
Letter from Mahaffey to Chairman Douglas
Excerpt from McKinnon presentation on SCU