Section 5: 1971-1973
Item set
Prosecutor Memo of Justified Homicide of Ricardo Buck and Craig Mitchell by Richard Worobec
UNICOM Incident
DPD Spying on League of Revolutionary Black Workers
Mad Dog Killers Flyer
Know Your Enemy
"Fifth Precinct Incident" Headline in Detroit Free Press
"Fifth Precinct Incident" Coverage in Detroit Free Press, 1972
Strength to Families Under STRESS
Rawley McDuffey Testmony
DPD Security Unit Spying on Anti-Stress Demonstration, February 1973
DPD Spying on Anti-STRESS Rally, March 26, 1972
North End Family Center memo on the Buck and Mitchell investigation
State of Emergency; Emergency Committee's Aim to Combat all forms of Repression
State of Emergency; Emergency Committee's Aim to Combat all forms of Repression
Detroit Urban League Press Release October 3, 1971
Letter from A Disgusted Native-Born Detroiter to Francis Kornegay
STRESS Protest Flyer, September 23, 1971
Raymond Peterson
Raymond Peterson DFP Headline on Murder Charge
The Drug Conspiracy that Rocked Detroit's 10th Precinct
State of Emergency
Police Manhunt Near WSU Campus
Anti-STRESS Rally 1971
Commissioner Nichols and Mayor Gribbs
Commissioner Nichols and Mayor Gribbs boast low crime rates -
Commissioner Nichols