Section 5: 1971-1973
Item set
United Black Coalition Newsletter
Police Harass the Black Community--STRESS
The Police and the Black Community
Urban League Draft Statement on Crime and Policing, 1973
John F. Nichols
Police Proposal from Acting Intergroup Relations Director to DUL
The Dilemma of the Black Cop
Black Police Officers Conference Pamphlet (Detroit, 1972)
Employment Progress of Black Officers in the Detroit Police Department, Detroit Urban League
Letter from Francis A. Kornegay, Executive Director of Detroit Urban League, to Mayor Gribbs
DFP headline on Black officers and drug prober
Report of the Police Community Relations Project Committee, June 1970
Police-Community Relations Task Force: Annual Report 1972-73
Police-Community Relations Task Force Annual Report 1972-73 -
Confidential Memo on STRESS from Commissioner Nichols to P. G. Tannian
A confidential memo written by Commissioner Nichols for the Mayor about the STRESS unit and its staffing and training practices. -
Shakedown Seed Planted by Gossip
Police vs Police, Informer Slain Evidence Stolen
Pay Up or 'Get Some Some Lumps'
No 1 Raiders' Sideline: Selling Dope to Pushers
Charlie Brown, A License to do what he Wants
Probes Bares 6 Officers' Roles Drug Racket
Detroiters Declare War on Heroin Snip
State of Emergency
Guardians Press Release: Abolish STRESS
NAACP Board Urges Abolishment of STRESS
Roman Gribbs Statement After Rochester Incident